Real Time Stock Quote HK$350 per month
Claims for Dividend / Bonus Shares (charged whether the claim is succeed or not) HK$1,000 per claim & HK100 per dividend payment
E-IPO Application (Cash) Free
E-IPO Application ((Margin Finance) Handling Fee HK$100
Stop cheque / Returned cheque HK$200 per transaction + Penalty interest
Clearing House Automated Transfer System (CHATS) / Transfer by Cheque Handling Fee HK$200
Telegraphic Transfer (TT) TT to Oversea Bank in HKD : Billed at cost with handling fee HK$350
TT to Oversea Bank in other currency: Billed at cost with handling fee equal to HK$350
Physical statement by mail HK$150 per month
Monthly Statement Re-print within the recent 3 months : Free
over recent 3 months : HK$100 per month
Provide Asset Proof Soft Copy HK$200 per transaction + other related fee
Cash A/C Debit interest Prime Rate + 6%
Margin A/C Margin Financing Debit Interest Prime Rate + 3% (Negotiable)
Margin A/C Margin Financing Call Interest Prime Rate + 6% (Negotiable)
Interest of Outstanding Cash Balance in Cash or Margin A/C 0%
Custody Fee The market value every 6 months x 0.0125% (Market value more than HK$5,000,000)
Inactive Account Fee HK$200 per year